Rearing young horses and recipient mare hire

recipient mares

As we do quite a lot of embryo transfer ourselves and we have acquired a large herd of recipient mares. We can offer recipient mares for hire to clients synchronised with their donor mare and ready for implantation. Currently we have a herd of about 100 purposely selected recipient mares. All our mares are well maintained and kept on a diet to have optimum chance of conception.

Over the years dealing with a large volume of mares we have been able to collect data to help us select the recipient that will most likely conceive at a specific time. Our results each year have always been far ahead of world average statistics. 

You can download a lease agreement here

Rearing young horses

We offer clients the service of rearing their young horses alongside our own on Boleybawn Horse Farm. We can take in foals once they are weaned and keep them until such time as they are ready to start their training.

All our young stock have their feet trimmed and are de-wormed minimum of 4 times per year. Anti flu and tetanus vaccines are kept up to date, screening x-rays are taken and all the youngsters are loose jumped once a year.